MiracleInKashmir: Premature Baby Defies Odds with #ShifaKaHaath

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In a remarkable tale of resilience, a 27-week preterm baby born via NVD on November 6, 2023, triumphed over adversity at JLNM Hospital’s SNCU in Rainawari. Enduring a 56-day stay, the infant faced challenges such as respiratory distress syndrome, hypothermia, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Apnea of prematurity, and late-onset sepsis with shock.

The medical team, led by Dr. Reyaz Malla and pediatric specialists, orchestrated a life-saving intervention. From intra-tracheal surfactant therapy to 24 hours on a mechanical ventilator, followed by 14 days on CPAP and 7 days on high flow, the journey was arduous. TPN sustained the baby for 3 weeks, transitioning to tube feed for another 3 weeks.

A week in the KMC ward marked a turning point, and on January 2, 2024, the premature baby was discharged, defying the odds. The credit for this miracle goes to the tireless dedication of SNCU staff, medical officers, and PG students who provided round-the-clock monitoring and care, with invaluable advice and support from Dr. Reyaz Malla and the pediatric department specialists. #ShifaKaHaath

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